Monday, November 24, 2008

November or Listopad in Prague

Winter has finally arrrived in Prague this week with snowstorms and cold wind, but these first two photos were taken before the winter blast! Petrin Hill is one of Prague's favorite parks, high above the city. You can take a funicular( that's a fun word) railway car to the top or walk it. We walked up (after a baptism, hence the suit). That is Prague Castle in the background. We rode the funicular railway back down. We continue to find new places to explore!

We haven't seen alot of beggars in Prague, but the ones we have seen are in this position to petition for help. But we are all beggars of sorts. We depend upon our Eternal Father who created us. We recognize that is one of many reasons we celebrate Thanksgiving.

We had dinner with a young family: the Bywaters and Ed Barner, both from our Branch. The Bywaters are here doing a project for a masters in architecture and we will be living in Ed's apartment for 4 months while he is in the United States. (It is a lovely big apartment, plenty of room for visitors!!!) As you can see the Bywaters have three adorable children and it was so good to get our arms around some littles ones. We realize how much we miss our own.

Today was the missionary Turkey bowl-Thanksgiving feast! The "red" zone beat the "blue" zone. Um, seems to me I've heard that somewhere else lately. The feast afterward was complete with KFC (no turkeys in Prague)? However we did have homemade rolls and pumpkin pie. Quite a treat since the pumpkin is imported. What a grand time the missionaries had together!!!
Whether you live in a country that celebrates thanksgiving or not we can't let November 2008 become a memory without giving thanks to the Lord for His bounteous blessings this past year. We welcomed into our family a worthy son, how grateful we are that JJ and Natalie make each other so happy. We received two little cherubs straight from the presence of God. We watched as fathers, mothers and siblings lovingly adjusted. We cheered as young boys developed their talents at the keyboard, the playing field and in the classroom. We observed little girls learn to sing and dance and create. We witnessed the hand of the Lord in blessing husbands and wives strengthen eternal marriages. We watched him comfort those who lost loved ones and strenghten those with physical and spiritual challenges. We felt the power of the priesthood as worthy sons gave us blessings and as our Stake President placed his hands on our heads to set us apart as the Lord's servants to serve in the Czech Republic. We have felt His watchful care as we continue to adjust to a new calling, language and culture. We have felt your prayers of faith and words of encouragement. Mail in the inbox certainly has taken on a new meaning. We know the Lord loves us and all of you, our dear family and friends.
Happy Thanksgiving to you ALL!
" in thanksgiving daily, for the many mercies and blessings which he doth bestow upon you ." Alma 34:38


  1. 2nd time trying to comment...
    Well... there's another post that made me smile (funicular- fun word indeed:) and get a little teary as I know some of those blessings to be grateful for refer to me and mine! We'll miss you both and definately your cooking on thursday- I believe Marie Callendar and Costco will be making our pies:)

  2. Glad to hear from Michelle's comment that my sisters inherited their mother's ability to cry at the drop of the hat! We love you and will miss you on Thursday.

  3. So fun to read about all you are doing. I know I have been slow to comment, but love reading about your adventures. So glad you love your baggallini. Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. The night before thanksgiving, when I was home in bed, I heard three turkeys gobbling, and this is what they said...
    I WILL sing that on Wednesday in honor of you.
    Also, I have already recited the Thanksgiving poem I "wrote" for JJ. He is just as impressed as you were.
    I'm thankful for wonderful parents!

  5. You are so lucky the funicular was working. It was not working the day we were there and our son made us hike to the top of Petrin Hill. Did you climb up the mini Eiffel Tower? The views of Prague are amazing! There is also a very funny museum in the basement of the tower.
    Hope things are going well for you. Happy Thanksgiving.

  6. Tears are running down my face. Thank you for sharing your blessings and helping me remember mine. You have a beautiful way of writing. Happy Thanksgiving Elder and Sister Robbins!

  7. It looks like your having a marvelous time. Love the reading the blog.
    Is Listopad November or Winter?
    Alright if Prague doesn't have turkey and they have KFC (amazing) do they have green jello?
    Keep up the great work.
    Love Gaylene

  8. We are thankful for you too and like Michelle said, i know some of those blessings referred to me too. I'm glad we got to talk to you today. Also I forgot to tell you Pres. jubber says hello.

  9. I love being able to see how things are going and what you guys are up to!

  10. I love reading your blog. You are diving in with both feet. What a wonderful place to serve a mission!! I am so proud to be related to you. Keep up the good work.
